Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Think They Doth Protest

...too much.

As Elena Kagan sits before a Congressional hearing for the next few days, defending her choices against constant Republican insinuations that she will "politicize" the high court, no one seems to be doing anything about one of the most prolific court-politicizers, Samuel Alito. Sam Alito: The Tea Party justice

Salon brings to light what is just a one instance in a long chain of instances of Alito's conservative bend. My question is (already knowing the answer): how can Jeff Sessions and Lindsey Graham constantly harass Obama-n judicial nominees while overlooking the Bush administration's rampant judicial "reform"?

The truth is, one cannot simply overlook the practice of purposely tilting courts in one political direction or another. The saving grace of Democracy is the notion that the people may respond to injustice within the bounds of the law. If the law decides to rewrite the definition of "injustice", then the political power of the people wanes.

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