Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Design!

Hello everybody!

As you can see, I've made a few cosmetic changes to the design of the website.  I thought that the original design was a little too copy-paste Washington stereotypical.  I feel like the new design reflects the casual nature of our conversation and the grass-roots (an overused word, I'm aware) nature of our thoughts.

Please, enjoy the new design and comment on upcoming stories.  We'll have a lot to talk about here real soon.


Anonymous said...

I really like it. It looks quite nice. As a reminder to Ian and everyone else who comes here, be sure to post links from other web sites here and click the links to other blogs that are on the right. Savvy bloggers know where their traffic comes from and one day The Polis might just get a link in one of their posts.

Ian J Barker said...

That'd be cool! I think the quality of the posts would have to improve a bit first.

Oh, and The Polis is going to Mars. We're gonna be the first. Hope everyone's on board.

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