Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I No Longer Know Who To Blame

Growing up we all learn to believe in certain things.  Things that become unshakable, the bringers of justice and peace in a world full of chaos and wobbly foundations.  For me, one of those things, was the Federal Reserve.

In hindsight, it was a silly assumption but as a kid growing up, is it hard to believe that the one thing I believed in was the economy?  The ubiquity of capitalism, the penetration of the dollar into our hearts and our conversations, and furthermore the body that regulates all that all seemed like pretty immovable objects to my uneducated brain.

And even in hindsight, maybe I was right to believe in their unstoppability.  The capabilities of the Fed and the apathy that most Americans graced it with did lead it to become that unflappable, unstoppable entity of capitalism.  They were powerful and, most importantly, they had full faith from the American people (or at least the standing administration).

So here we are today: I'm all growed up and after a decade of blind faith, the Fed may have put us in the mess that we're in.  My childhood hero is shattered.  But is it there fault?  Or was it Obama's?  Was it Gramm-Leach-Bliley or Goldman Sachs alone that tipped the house of cards off the table?  Was it Bush's deregulatory policy or the current administration's coddling of "too big to fail" banks?

I no longer know what to believe in but worst of all, I no longer know who to blame.  But I do know this: you guys probably do.

Feel free to leave your comments at the front desk.

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