Friday, November 13, 2009

Movie Stars and Politicians

Since most of us remember the 2008 election pretty well, I think it's safe to say that none of us have forgotten that darling in red, Sarah Palin.

Her new book is due to hit shelves soon and currently its highly anticipated debut has placed it at the top of the New York Times Bestseller list and the Amazon book pre-order list shortly before release.  But even with all this mass hoopla, most of us have at least the brain to wonder why.  Why would a woman who's manufactured appearance and mental incompetence wrecked a perfectly good political campaign be of such interest to the American public?

Furthermore, she's a quitter!  We praise the heroes of the Iraq war who stayed and fought, not the New York Knicks (do they still play basketball or is it like a guest appearance at each game?).  None of us have praised Iowa State's football team for their ability to give up the ghost before gaining any real progress have we?  So why on Earth should anybody purchase a book by the defunct governor of Alaska whose reign there is currently pending an ethics investigation?

Simply put: she's relatable.  She's dressed in shiny clothes, keeps a smile on her face, talks about her kids, and possesses an ignorance that's borderline intoxicating to the American public.  When you turn on Troy you want Brad Pitt, not a moral lesson, at least if you belong to the American non-intellectual masses.

In a recent NPR story, Palin was noted as having a particularly sour view on Katie Couric's journalism.
Palin also writes harshly of CBS anchor Katie Couric, whom she describes as "badgering" and biased. Palin's series of interviews with Couric were widely regarded as disastrous, leaving the impression of an ill-informed candidate who was unsuited for the job.
Funny since it seems like the only real scrutiny she received in the mass media was from Katie Couric.

Update: And who better to ask about the media's treatment of Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean than Meghan McCain and Bill O'Reilly.  Thanks again Fox. Folks, enjoy the hilarity.

Did Meghan McCain, in defense of women, just call them too scared and frightened to enter politics?

Celebrity or legit politician?  We all know the answer to that.  Feel free to leave comments at the front desk.

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